Friday 16 August 2013

A random act of creativity

 my second batch of smash pages and its another random bunch.  I kept coming  across Grumpy cat memes across the net and found most of them hilarious. a Meme being "an idea, behaviour, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[ Wikipedia. 

 ive been interesting in space stuff since school and found it ironic that after all these years of trying to travel around space we discover that it is lethal to humans.

 I started creating list pages about books, movies and tv shows and there will probably be a few more to come. I'm leaning more towards paranormal shows  and the Science fiction genre at the moment. I used washi tape to create a mini book where I can record lists of movies iv watched this year.

and finally a place to hide secrets. I just trimmed some scrapbook paper to A5 size and covered the edges with washi tape to make a flap so I could hide personal journaling.

my first smash book

I decided to create a smash book after coming across them on Pin interest. for mine I used a note book with a chipboard cover and just used it as a diary with photos and printouts stuck into it.
 I started my book in may and back dated from new year it doesn't have to be in order you can create a smash book about anything. mine started as a year book but its become a book full of random things I find interesting or cleaver.

 cats always make interesting topic especially mine as they are always into mischief its like i have a bunch of  toddlers in the house as I cant leave anything around without it being thrown all over the place.
 I started competing in scrapbook challenges in may and I dedicate a couple of pages to this so I can keep track of which ones I've entered and when the winners are announced.
Timmy and his mishaps are going to feature in my books oftern.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Goodbye old New Street Station

with the redevelopment of  New Street station almost finished I decided to document what the old one used to look like. I'm not one of those train spotter types its just that I have been commuting from here since my college years and its the end of an era. its also an end to that ugly embarrassment  that is the first thing visitors used to see when entering Birmingham.

 I used one of the maps that was being handed out so that people could find the train station as a background and stuck some photos in.